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domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Plantando chícharos. Planting peas

De volta na escola e de volta traballando na horta.
Como está todo moi seco, plantamos uns chícharos en tarros para que non morran. Tamén poderemos comparar as plantas coas que plantemos no parterre.
Cada equipo planta o seu tarro e faille o seguimento encargándose do seu coidado.

Obxectivos principais da actividade:
  • Valorar e respectar o contorno natural cercano.
  • Coñecer as partes dunha planta e as súas funcións. 
  • Tomar decisións e chegar a acordos.  


This is a hands-on-doing activity.
It is important for children to be active and engaged so that learning becomes relevant and memorable.
It is also an outdoor learning activity which values direct experience.

Outdoor Learning means active learning outdoors.

"In Outdoor Learning participants learn through what they do, through what they encounter and through what they discover. Participants learn about the outdoors, themselves and each other, while also learning outdoor skills. Active learning readily develops the learning skills of enquiry, experiment, feedback, reflection,  review and cooperative learning".

 In these activities we used the following English language to communicate.

At word level: soil, pots, peas, seeds, planting, water.

At sentence level: take a pot; put some small stones at the bottom; fill with soil; make holes in the soil; put the seeds in; water well.